onsdag den 30. juni 2010

I guess its called being a mother..

All I have to say is, green snot, dirty diapers, timeout, making deals to get him to do simple things like get dressed, eat breakfeast, get in his car seat, he trows a fit every ones in a while, oh and all the whining and so on it sometimes continues all day long.. Why cant he just listen for ones and let us all have a peaceful day. But the he gets up from his nap rushes in to me to snuggles and then he smiles and looks a me with those blue eyes, and im totally sold..
I guess its just bitter sweet being a mother, I love my little man to death, but sometimes my patience runs out before naptime. All the older women who tells me that it gets easier when they get older, have oviously forgotten how it is having a 2 year old.. Im just so tired today, and having the worst headace, this was just me letting out some frustration.. Have a great day out there, I sure will try!!

4 kommentarer:

joanna sagde ...

hey Elisabeth!! I found you on here, yahoo!! We can be blog buddies:-) We're looking forward to seeing pictures of your new house. How exciting!!!

Cori and Dusty sagde ...

vent indtil han bliver tre... Det bliver vaerer. But it's so worth it.

M. sagde ...

how did i not know you had a little boy? He's adorable! Those Danish genes are good ones!

Elisabeth and Martin sagde ...

He´s not to bad if I have to say it myself.. He just turned 3 y. time sure goes by fast.. He will have a little sister in a few weeks, exciting..